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The bassboost filter is a proof of concept FFT filter. It simply multiplies the first few bands of the FFT by the boost value.

There is one parameter - how strong the boost effect is.

// Set up bass boost filter
// Set the filter as the first filter of the bus
gBus.setFilter(0, &gBassboost); 


Set the parameters of the filter.

gBassboost.setParams(11); // ours goes to 11

Changing the parameters via setParams() does not affect "live" sounds. Live parameters can be set, faded or oscillated:

  gMusicHandle, // Sound handle
  0,            // First filter
  SoLoud::BassboostFilter::BOOST, // What to adjust
  0,            // Target value
  3);           // Time in seconds

Live Parameter Access

All filters inherit the live parameter access functions.

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