GameToy hardware project

These pages describe a sort of blog-ish time log on my 'GameToy' hardware project (stalled indefinitely).

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June 9th, 2006 - misc

Reorganized the source code a bit, and figured how to place stuff into program memory (flash) using winavr, so that winavr doesn't copy stuff into sram at startup. Also got rid of some of the library delay functions, now that we have a functional timer.

Looked at the AVR butterfly, and started wondering whether I should ditch the idea of TWI flash "cardridges" and just add a support for pc-based uploading..

One friend of mine told me about oled displays, and I think they would work better than the current lcd solution, and they don't seem to be more expensive either, and seem to have a compatible interface. Maybe in the next version.. anyway, this is exactly why I started doing this project; to learn about stuff I don't know about =)

Comments are appreciated.