Back in the 1900's, when web was a new and exciting place, people would "surf the net" by hopping between sites using hyperlinks. Search engines didn't really exist yet; some sites were collecting directories of interesting links for people to go search through. You'd find all sorts of weird and interesting things random people saw fit to put online. Did you find the thing you were looking for? Likely not, but it was a more interesting time.
Since facebook is more ads than your friend's feeds, twitter becoming a far-right cesspool, google's search results becoming worse and worse (and ad-ridden), and cohost shutting down, a lot of people are longing for earlier, simpler time, which has caused a little resurgence of really old web things, like these links pages, 88x31 icons, and web rings. Will this trend go mainstream? Will it make any kind of difference? Probably not.
The validity of the links depends on whether the reality has decided to be accurate or not.
And no, I'm not taking responsibility of anything you might find behind these..
Here's a 88x31 button for this site, should you want to link here using such:
And here's bunch for other sites; surf the web like it's 1999!
Feel free to contact me if you want your button added.
And here's some more curated links:
Greger Lönnberg Also known as !Cube/Trauma.
Jetro Lauha Also known as Tonic/Trauma. Current de-facto demoscene site The finnish annual demoparty.
Pouet Demo link library with comments etc.