how to get your mmo ideas out there
Here's a collection of the "Recent Search Terms" postings I've done on my site. Basically I browse through website logs (currently using google analytics) and look at the search terms people have used in search engines (mostly google) to find their way to my site.
Start by being obscenely rich and famous. Drop a bunch of music files on a disk with minimal graphical interface. Seems to work for most people. Uh, you just did? facepalm Let's see. Can you freeze remote objects by the power of your mind alone? Do your own homework. Sucks to be you, eh? Do your own homework. Depends on the pixel you're trying to put. A b/w screen doesn't really care about the tint of the black or white you're plotting. Sometimes. No. What? Do your own homework. Do your own homework. Did I? Not really. Someone please tell me what the heck are these talking about? Apply plenty of ventilation. It's kinda defined that way. Depends.. on the game. Just like any other web site. Mind the copyrights. Depends on the fractal. Some fractals, like L-systems, you might want to create as geometry; other kinds, such as the common mandelbrot, you would probably want to write as a pixel shader. glReadPixels Count all non-whitespace surrounded by whitespace and/or file start and end. Make the pixel values smaller. Substract the coordinates from each other. To toggle, use xor. To enable, use or. To disable, use and. Use a 32-bit data type, or if that fails, mask out all unused bits. With hard work. SDL is pretty good, in my opinion. Others prefer allegro. Maybe google for some images of said critter and count yourself? Draw people. Add fangs. Captivating eyes optional. I didn't even know you can disable it. Live and learn. Lookup tables are generally a 1:1 relationship between key and value, so maybe you're talking about some more complicated data type? It's likely to be unfocused. Try to focus it - in many cases that's done by rotating the lens. With hard work. Calculate. Using random. Um. Petition to make all forms of DRM illegal? Don't play it. Instead, buy a good book, and read it. In a café. That'll give you all the fantasy you need, along with real social interaction. Yeah, like I'm the one to preach.. Don't draw it every frame. You don't need bressenham in OpenGL; just use the line primitive. Dosbox. Start from a low graphic game, and then lift the graphics higher. Travel back in time and try to talk to TSR and folks in the early 80's. With hard work. Wow, cool! What school do you go to? Depends on the material, but chisel and hammer might work. Following the golden rule, do stuff for your sister? "lpdword" being long pointer to doubleword and "wparam" a word parameter, I'm not sure if that works. But win32 api being weird as it is, maybe it does. Step one: Find someone incredibly stupid enough to pay for ideas. Step two: introduce him/her to me.. Right.. I think a windows process can only have one console. Could be wrong, though. Kind of an interesting school assignment. Does this refer to some graphics mode, or text? Either has its own challenges. I don't know.. could you be a bit more specific? Sure. Can you? Of course the back end can't be pure html, and some ajax stuff needs to be applied.. To quote Sokal's Ankardo, "bravery is not having imagination at the right time" (or some such) Probably on a mac. wxwidgets doesn't work exactly the same on all platforms. You're asking for a two-dimensional coordinates in cartesian space from a 3-dimensional color space? Step one: perform an actual pyrokinesis. We keep the ventilation and temperature high. High temperature keeps the water in mostly gaseous form, and ventilation gets rid of the extra moisture. That's probably one of the most fundamental things while making a 3d game. Depends entirely on the game in question, but the basic idea is to ditch all the data about the old level and load up the new one. More art than science, I've found. You generally speaking don't. And the user may change fonts on the fly, as well. Some fonts are vector fonts as well.. Now, 'srand' initializes the random number generator. It doesn't even return a value.. SDL_Sleep() yields the thread for N milliseconds, if that's what you're after. To make a 'pause' mode in your game, you need to implement game clock separately, and don't increment that while in pause mode. That's the problem, isn't it? Everyone wants to make an mmo that's only a bit different. About 4.37 years. Your wits. You're on the wrong site. Stop smoking. That sounds a lot like an error message from some application. How about searching the net for the application instead? What's a fake webcam? It's no secret. Depends a lot. You may want to use pygame, or install visual studio. Maybe you want flash devel tools instead.. or inform. 8x12 is the normal one. Yeah, I know, I've been trying to reach him for ages, but he's always busy. Adobe Photoshop is my weapon of choise, but there's plenty of free tools out there nowadays that may do the trick, like If you need to ask, you're not ready. Possibly. Who's asking? Largely irrelevant. Prefab materials. Use prefab materials to populate content. Use lighting and shading to provide variety. What's this, ask google to do my homework? There's no way, but you can simply select everything and drag it up or left out of the grid. Depends on how you're interfacing mouse with your AVR. From what I've seen, they're mostly sin/cos things. Yes. Use FBOs instead. Blood, sweat and tears. And some fun mixed in, too, I guess. There's also lots of reference material, books etc, available, but effort is the key, I think. Probably around zero, but it rather depends. I used an unused cellphone charger. It was an old one, and conveniently gave me 12V. Your mileage may vary. What? You know, there's probably a real market here. Set up a turnkey mmorpg solution, and sell tons of copies. Except that these dreamers probably don't have any money. That doesn't sound quite right.. Oops =) It's actually some more or less common disease, doesn't really have anything to do with aliens.. (no, I don't have one, I googled this) That sounds pretty dangerous to me. Someone's life might be at stake. Thanks druggy, and now we retire this "hacking" trick. Can you figure out others? Sounds interesting. I'd probably skip the physics and just fake it. Follow the installation instructions supplied with your product. It was actually created by Jetro Lauha. I am the authof of CFL though. Based on how the question is formed, probably something awful. I have no idea what you're talking about though. It means that by some commonly and independently agreed on standard, there is some person who is the best swordsman. I'll just hazard a guess, but.. from microsoft? I wish I knew. Although, if I did knew, I probably couldn't do anything about it. That depends a lot, you know, on the graphics mode. You probably meant e1-t instead. Do some effects. Sync them with music. Figure out a cool name. You're done. There's an uncfl in the cfl source package, that might help. That's quite specific, don't you think? Unless they're hidden, why not? The answer used to be, you don't, but now you can, if you're willing to pay for it. Well, some like them small, I guess. I'd like to hear that explanation too. I try not to pick mmorpg queries but I think this one speaks for itself. Depends on the game. You could do some ray-tracing, or you could convert the height map into a normal map and use that. Microcontroller. You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think. If you have to ask, you don't. It's a kind of a checkerboard pattern if I remember right. Doesn't that kind of cover every single one out there? Uh, zero? No, it really does sound like that. I think I'll stop quoting obviously "hacked" results now, unless they're really special. Is that you, Lyra? It's logic, simulated. Now I don't know what mca is, but as a query this sounds rather suspect. The trick is in calling srand with the current time to get a different random number every time. The most common way is to use a barrel shifter, I believe. Now, it's entirely possible to "pause" a while loop by, for instance, using some kind of longjmp trickery, but I suspect this is a case of a wrong question. Are you handling wm_paint messages properly? Windows really, really wants apps to handle painting, so it's possible that your timer messages simply aren't getting through. lets not. Bought ours used. Sorry. Try Finland. It aint no story. This sounds like a rather weird trickery. However, I'm pretty sure the video drivers won't allow it.. most VESA drivers under windows are broken anyway. Sounds complicated, but could be a fun project. Take the Bresenham algorithm, and.. I don't know, plot black pixels? All of them. Except maybe love. No, wait, that too. linux? That's a rather familiar dialog from windows, but.. linux? That could actually be a fun project, in 2d, to do with cellular automata.. cells distributing "coldness", and outmost ones, getting too warm, turning into water and flowing away.. Make sure you set color to 32bit. Who to the what now? Google is such a great tool for homework projects, don't you think? Oo, I know this one. "mov ax,13h; int 10h" to set the mode. Plot pixels in segment 0a000h. To change palette, set color offset by outputting to port 03c8h, and set the colors by outputting to 03c9h (r,g,b,r,g,b..). For retrace sync, read port 03dah and check when the high bit is one. Wasn't life much simpler back then? Tricky. Yes, but not in the way the popular media shows it. You don't walk in a closet, press a button, and see a clone of yourself; it is, however, possible to grow "identical twins" of sorts, and as you should well know, identical twins are separate entities with different whims, memories and whatnot. Do you mean lighting textures or textures that don't weight much? I used a program called resource hacker once to put an icon to a ready windows application. Anyway, windows uses the first icon resource as the appicon, so you can add it in visual studio, for instance. Then, you can use a SDL call to set the runtime icon as well. Step one: get some paper. Step two: get a pen. Step three: ???. Step four: profit! The maximum value a 16-bit word can contain is 65535, or 0xffff. Since we start to count from zero, the maximum number of discrete values a 16-bit word can represent is 65536. I'd probably render in software and then upload each frame as a texture. This will, however, eat plenty of bandwidth. I doubt it's possible to write a FLI/FLC decoder in a shader language though.. Can't hurt. Aww. Amateur pro wrestling? Uh, sure. What do I look like, a library? Have you checked if amazon has something suitable? They're more or less the same, with different amount of bits. Except if you're talking about java, in which case char is a bit more different. After you've captured a frame, save it. This almost made me laugh out loud. The same way you do western font in a graphic ldc in microcontroller 8051: pixel by pixel. Check if the camera has a focus adjustment, this is typically done by rotating the lens. Check the manual of your device. No idea, but it sure sounds interesting. Be nice? Is it? Actually, I have no idea what you're talking about. There's plenty to optimize in a homepage, like navigation, readability, accessibility, render speed.. Alt-0174 Okay, that's one idea. Yes, you lose textures when resizing an SDL window. Luckily they're pretty easy to put back, as long as you load your textures through the same function every time. See my 2d gl basecode for an example how to do this. How romantic! What, you mean like a blur? If digit is greater than 9, reduce digit by 10, add one to next digit. A thousand pardons, effendi. Don't I wish. Dip your keyboard in a bucket of paint.. That's two abstraction layers you're talking about. Handle abstracts data access, and device context abstracts the target hardware. Could someone tell me what the heck is this referring to? I'd probably use the vertex shader for this. Makes more sense. No. Back when windows was still in real mode, it made sense to have only one copy of an application in memory even if the user saw several instances of it. Each instance was separated by having its own hinstance. It's historical garbage. Go see a doctor. Do people really think they can find tutorials like that? What? Step 1: a*b I really should stop commenting on these, as they only seem to attract more of the same. Go to the store, buy your own copy. Should get around to cleaning up and releasing it. sigh Because floating point math isn't accurate. Instead of winfrotz, try to find frotz for symbian. Tricky. You know, I've been considering cleaning it up and releasing it. Whether I get round to it depends. Yes, that would be nice. Yes. Sounds like a school assignment. Do it by yourself, don't steal anything, don't use copyrighted material. Presto. Why on earth do I find this in every month's search terms? Is tricky. Sigh. Let's consider this. If everyone had their own mmorpg, who would play them? If nobody plays a mmorpg, is it multiplayer, much less massively so? The person who said that there are no stupid questions obviously didn't read search terms for his website. Priceless. makecfl. Add water. Figure out how to plot characters in text mode, and then.. do a demo. There are plenty of libraries out there which you can study to figure the first part out, if you don't want to use the libraries directly. Width is the.. width of the visible image. Pitch is the width of the image, including non-visible part. To get to the start of the next visible row, add pitch. Note: pitch MAY be the same as width. Accepting the facts is the first step towards getting healthy. I'm glad for you. Depends. Are you an ant, a bee, or a HD-ready security camera? Much more so than just playing around with algorithms with no connection to reality. With graphics you have something.. more real. It's like physics is to mathematics, I'd say. Let me guess: someone told you to get a life? watermelon pour moon bolt Tricky. Cornerpoints. That isn't what c++ is for. You need to check the problem at slightly higher level. What operating system and/or framework are we talking about? What the heck? I'll just wager a guess here, but I'd say it has something to do with selecting an object for something.. While finishing tasks and projects is one of the most valuable characteristics of a good programmers, having a bit of a dreamer in you doesn't hurt. What, square tunnel is a cool intro? On what planet? Yeah, it's called the GNU compiler collection. I guess it's possible. Angle - look up atan2. Distance - look up pythagorean theorem. Now that's a bit trickier. Yes. User data. Try OpenGL instead? I did this by making a more or less linear triangle strip, and then randomly moved vertices around a bit. Additive blending, and a cool light blue color. Worked pretty well. Matrox is still around? Look up T-latch. Make a game. In C++. That is educational. Re-use some. That's nice. You may have it done by the time you're 25! Okay, let's all calm down, take a deep breath.. In certain light, sure. No-one can be.. told.. what the Ludum Dare is. You'll have to experience it yourself. Probably a broken vid card. In your dreams. Yes, it does, doesn't it? Plenty of money to burn, and no hurry in paying it back. epic fail? What is it with people who want to make their own MMO these days. Would they play their neighbor's own MMO? Where would they find all the players for their own? I guess running a BBS 'back in the good old days' was kind of running your own MMO.. Depends on whether you ask a hardware or a software guy. It isn't. Boolean is a concept. How this concept is simulated depends on the system. Booleans can be anything, from 1 bit to a bazillion. Common values are 8 and 32. With all mission-critical winapi-based software out there, I'd say it has a few years in it yet. I have no idea whatsoever. Using a few more quotes would probably get better search results. Sounds quite specific.. It's Karma. You know, "your Karma ran over my Dogma", and all? No idea. Good luck. Most CFLs in the wild with encryption, the ones that I have had anything to do with, anyway, use pseudorandom xor encryption, which, as far as I know, isn't "cryptographically safe", but personally I have no idea how to attack it. Apart from hitting the application with some hardcore debugger and let it decrypt whatever you wanted. This assuming that we're talking about my compressed file library format files. Aiming high? There were several flc-related searches in the log, including ones linking SDL and flc, wxwidgets and flc, and PSP and flc. Either 'flc' has started to mean something else as well (than the old 'flick' animation format), or there's something weird going on. Anyway, you're on the right site - download for the sources. The fli/flc part is not textmode specific. There's some trickery involved if you want to port it to ARM, as there's some non-aligned 32bit reads going on. Here's a hint. Operating system != user interface. If you need to ask, more than you have. Good question. Why not just join some team that's already working on one? Hit your 'veriable' with the same xor again. Depends on what you want. This one just depends. Tried the logitech site yet? Ah, another good reason why you need more money than you have. Try "Not zero". Wrong keyboard layout, maybe? Sample the sine and/or cosine and create, for example, line segments between the samples. If it looks too blocky, take more samples. The ZXSpectrumizer to the rescue! Actually, when I made the Koalizer I did the ZXSpectrumizer just for the heck of it, but for some reason it's more popular. Weird brits, I guess. Perhaps you should try a purchased copy of the latest version of max payne? It's available on steam, for example.. The last time I looked, shower doors tend to be sliding ones, instead of hinges. This doesn't mean that there could be hinged doors in some showers. Our current shower just has a curtain. But I just took a shower! First, build a PC that's capable of booting to MS-DOS, and has a ISA sound board, such as SoundBlaster Pro or Gravis Ultrasound. Install MS-DOS 3.3 or equivalent, and whatever version of ScreamTracker 3 you can get your hands on. Read the documentation of the latter for more information. It's Finland, Baby! Wow, old image formats never die. I don't think converting old C code to C# would be difficult.. Next time, search for "7474 data sheet", mmkay? Interesting idea. Step 1: convert to same base. Step 2: add or substract. Step 3: convert to whatever base was desired. Try this. Most of the time, you don't need to be. APIs tend to hide most of the complexity, although knowing some concepts does help. "alphabits"? Select part, press Ctrl-R. Inside the distribution zip file. (or tar.gz, or .dmg) There's the interactive flash demo which might help; contact me if you really think there needs to be something more comprehensible. My experience with the linux community has caused me to reverse my earlier plan to release the sources. Maybe some year. Okay. I can heartily recommend the signal regiment in Riihimäki. While I wrote it, I still think GalaXQL is at least the most FUN way. Faster than..? There were several search terms like this; some way to find the highest bit. That is actually a rather interesting problem. This page has several solutions. Yes. My windows calculator says 7B7. Does that help? You generally don't calculate it, but get it from some API. Sounds like a broken video card (or possibly bad drivers) Lots of things are being cursed every day.. like crashing computers, or the Symbian OS.. Curious. Yeah, I probably should get around to writing some kind of document on that. On the other hand, that would also require a rather big reworking of GalaXQL from my part, so don't hold your breath. Alas, my 'gametoy' project has probably stopped, as I ran out of motivation on it. And no, I have no idea about the corporation =) Who to the what now? This question can be understood in two ways. Either it means "how to build the mmorpg in a easy and fast manner", or it means "how to make the mmorpg easy and fast". Answer to the latter would be by optimizing and doing focus group testing; answer to the former is, you don't. No. License the characters then. If you have the funds to make the MMORPG, you probably also have funds to license the characters. Usually it's the hardware that does the IR thing, not software. I doubt there's one, but there's always the Koalizer photoshop filter! Look up the BMP file format and write the loader. Or use one of the bazillion image loading libraries out there. First, you need to travel back in time. There's no other way to make an old game. Look up MUDs. Quote from IRC: 22:51 <+spector> hääh? As far as I know, 7402 is a bunch of nor gates, but different manufacturers don't neccessarily agree. C doesn't really care if your booleans are negative or positive. 0 is false, anything else is true. You may wish to peek into my 'pcxlite' (under "code"); it includes PCX saving routines. Contact me, maybe we can work something out. You may wish to try to apply a 3x3 averaging filter kernel over an image. There was some talk about doing a linux port of escapi, but it never materialized. Don't. Render object. Adjust matrix. Repeat as neccessary. Good luck. I recommend shadow maps, even though they have their own problems. Doing stencils on detailed trees sounds painful. Look up wintab. Money. Lots. More than you have. Uh oh. Look up z-machine, inform and infocom. 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101.. you get the picture. 0xffffffffffffffff Whoa. char my8bitvalue = 0x3f; int my32bitvalue = my8bitvalue; I think this question was relevant a decade a go or so. Split it in 32 bit chunks and you're nearly there. Homework? Yes. But why? Just do it..? I can't see what's difficult in that.. This comes in two parts. First is to change the app icon, which is platform-specific, and the second bit is that you can change the running application's icon with a simple SDL call. Don't see any reason why you'd need to compile drivers for the gp2x.. Hint: it's exactly the same as the cosine for other people. Hard to say, considering that I don't drink. There's projects that are logic-driven (or code driven), like tetris or minesweeper, and then there's projects that are heavily content-driven, like all MMORPGs, etc. char foo = toupper(bar); I guess if you take a bunch of random characters, you'll end up with a rather rare (and unpronounceable) name.. Why would I help you do your homework? What? With big piles of money. I wouldn't know. Have fun =) I planned this kind of program long ago, but found better uses for my time. I'm pretty sure you can buy one from China, or India. The team, I mean. No. That's more like it! Unfortunately, nobody has given my site awards (that I've taken seriously, anyway). Mostly at Ludum Dare. Don't die. Good luck. Try fans instead. Who to the what now? Do yourself a favor and find the data sheet. 0xff. Stop making mmorpgs? So that the driver knows that you're changing the data. Too many cooks and all that. Funnier search terms =) I'm not surprised. Nobody knows, is my guess. seriously! +in +a +very +slow +or +alternatively +in +a +unsafe +way +I'm +afraid. Okay, if you're from the cola company legal department, don't sue me; if you're from the marketing division, yeah, I'd love to get paid for the product placement =) If the radiuses (or however that's spelled) are the same, just sort the centers. Whoa, 256 bit accuracy, that'll take some calculation! Oh fer pete's sakes! Worse than you'd think. None that I know of, except for using dosbox, naturally. I'll write them any year now, honest! I don't know, Yemen? One of the projects I'd love to do is a beginner's tutorial in C in the same way I did galaxql. Maybe one year. What do you mean better? Maybe you meant a better shell? Yes. devil's advocate, maybe? Put out a stable version and I'll write the SDL tutorial for code::blocks. You need to update the slider value from the text field and the text field from the slider. It's kinda tricky but works. Probably easiest by taking the whole keyboard apart. One of the good sides of browsing these lists is getting ideas. One idea is to make a galaxql-style "studio" for l-systems. Maybe one year.. It's been so long since I touched CF the last time that I don't know if I'd recognize the language anymore.