Game dialog tree middleware engine
D3 is an implementation of a "dialog tree" mechanism that can be used in various game types, mostly adventure or RPG ones for simulating conversations, or as is to create "choose your adventure" type multiple choise games or storybook-style games (like some Japanese dating sims).
I started pondering about the mechanics of a dialog tree engine when I realized that several game concepts I had pondered about depended on having such a thing. So why not making it modular enough for other people to use as well?
I spent some time pondering what would be the minimal set of data that's actually needed, and I think the set that I've defined pretty much covers everything, even though the list is rather small.
After all, perfection is achieved when nothing can be removed. =)
Here are some downloads related to the d3 engine. All binaries are for windows unless mentioned otherwise. D3 is still a work in progress, although I don't think version 1.0 is too far off. Use at your own risk, etc.
Note that everything related to d3 is designed to be portable, including the editor. Anyone want to give me an intel mac so I can do a mac port? =)
Second release
Second release, some bugfixes, malloc guards and an optimization.
Initial release of the engine source code. Minimal testing did not show any problems, but I wouldn't be surprised if some bugs are left in. Only ".d3" format loader has been implemented so far.
First experimental version of the D3 dialog editor. Lots of missing functionality, and plenty of ways to shoot yourself in the foot. Use at your own risk! XML and json saving and loading implemented.
Comments, etc, appreciated, as always.