Testbench for the base logic gates
- Intuitive, hardware-accelerated interface.
- Available for Windows, Linux and Mac os X.
- Real-time logic simulation (at 1000Hz).
- Most common logic blocks, with both US and Finnish symbols.
- Simulation of various 74-series chips.
- Simulation of a 8051 microcontroller variant.
- Input through keyboard-bound buttons and/or switches.
- Output through various LEDs, LED grids, 7- and 16-segment displays.
- Easy boxing to create custom components using Atanua itself.
- Plug-in interface for creation of custom parts.
- Instant feedback through wire colors, which show signal states and error states.
- Helpful tooltips.
- Anti-cheating tool available for teachers for homework validation.
The base logic parts come in ANSI and Finnish symbol versions. The texture is different, underlaying code is the same.
Simple logic probe
helps debugging
Show meaning with
Automate with
MUX logic block
Simulated MUX chip
Base parts list:
- Logic '0' (ground) and '1' (vcc)
- Logic AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR and NOT gates, in both US and Finnish symbols
- SR-latch (NOR and NAND versions), Synchronized SR-latch, D-latch, T-latch, JK-latch
- JK-flipflop, D-flipflop, T-flipflop, SR-flipflop
- 2-bit MUX block, 3-bit DX-block
- Synchronized clock generators (0.1Hz, 0.2Hz, 0.5Hz, 1Hz, 2Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz, 20Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz)
- Labels
Chips list:
- 2051 - 20-pin 8051-variant 8-bit Microcontroller with 2K Bytes Flash and 15 Programmable I/O Lines
- 2708 - 1024-word by 8-bit erasable programmable read only memories
- 2716 - 2048-word by 8-bit erasable programmable read only memories
- 2732 - 4096-word by 8-bit erasable programmable read only memories
- 7400 - Quad 2-input NAND Gate
- 7402 - Quad 2-input NOR Gate
- 7404 - Hex Inverter
- 7408 - Quad 2-input AND Gate
- 7410 - Triple 3-input NAND Gate
- 7420 - Dual 4-input NAND Gate
- 7432 - Quad 2-input OR Gate
- 7447 - BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver
- 7473 - Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Clear
- 7474 - Dual D Positive Edge Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
- 7485 - 4-bit Magnitude Comparator
- 7486 - Quad 2-input XOR Gate
- 7489 - 64-bit Random Access Read/Write Memory
- 7490 - Decade Counter (separate Divide-by-2 and Divide-by-5 sections)
- 74138 - 3 to 8-line Decoder/Demultiplexer
- 74139 - Dual 2 to 4-line Decoder/Demultiplexer
- 74151 - 8-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer
- 74154 - 4-Line to 16-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer
- 74181 - 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit and Function Generator
(may contain some bugs due to complexity of the chip) - 74191 - Synchronous Up/Down Binary Counter
- 74192 - Synchronous Up/Down Decade Counter
(some border cases may act differently from hardware; not well-defined in data sheet) - 74193 - Synchronous Up/Down Binary Counter
- 74195 - 4-bit Parallel-Access Shift Register
- 74240 - Octal Buffer with Inverted Three-State Outputs
- 74241 - Octal Buffer with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
- 74244 - Octal Buffer with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
- 74245 - Octal Bus Transceiver with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
- 74163 - Synchronous 4-bit Binary Counter with Synchronous Clear
- 74164 - 8-bit Parallel-Out Serial Shift Register with Asynchronous Clear
- 74165 - Parallel-Load 8-Bit Shift Register
- 74283 - 4-bit Binary Full Adder
- 74574 - Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Three-State Outputs
I/O parts list:
- LEDs (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, white), normal and inverted
- 4x4 and 8x8 LED grids in same colors, normal and inverted
- 16-segment displays in same colors, normal and inverted
- 7-segment displays in same colors, normal and inverted
- 309, numeric display with logic
- Keyboard keys as buttons (0,1,2...9, a,b,c...z)
- Keyboard keys as switches (0,1,2...9, a,b,c...z)
- Simple logic probe
- Simple audio output
- Unipolar and bipolar stepper motors
Site design © 2013 Jari Komppa