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The SoLoud::TedSid is a replayer for TED and SID soundchip register write dumps, based on tedplay (c) 2012 Attila Grosz, used under Unlicense

TED is the soundchip of the commodore plus/4, and SID is the soundchip of the commodore 64.

The TED and SID songs are actually complete c64 or plus/4 programs, so in order to avoid running a complete c64 emulator in an audio engine, we only simulate the soundchips at real time. To generate the dumps, you can use the tedsid2dump.exe tool.

You can use the Soloud.getInfo() interface to query TED and SID register values while the song is playing. The SID registers are mapped to values 0-31 and the TED registers to 64-69.


You tell TedSid to load a file with the load function:

result load(const char *aFilename); 

If loading fails, the function returns an error code.

SoLoud::TedSid galway;


Alternate way of loading the file is to read from a memory buffer.

result loadMem(unsigned char *aMem, int aLength, 
               bool aCopy, bool aTakeOwnership);

SoLoud function assumes that the pointer and the data pointed will be valid as long as SoLoud needs them. You can use the aCopy parameter to tell SoLoud to take a copy of the data instead of using the pointers directly, and the aTakeOwnership parameter to tell SoLoud to free the pointer when the object is being destroyed.


The loadToMem() tells SoLoud to load the whole file to a memory buffer and stream it from there.


The loadFileToMem() function performs the memory loading of loadToMem() using SoLoud::File objects, same way as loadFile() does.


The loadFile() can be used to load audio from a SoLoud::File object. This is useful for integrating with virtual filesystems / packfiles, such as PhysFS.


Adjusting the looping of a TedSid sound does not currently have any effect. All music is set to loop by default.


As with any other audio source, you can attach filters to monotone audio sources.

gMusic.setFilter(0, &gLofi);


You can stop all instances of a monotone sound source with stop(). This is equivalent of calling soloud.stopAudioSource() with the sound source.



Set the inaudible behavior of the sound. By default, if a sound is inaudible, it's paused, and will resume when it becomes audible again. With this function you can tell SoLoud to either kill the sound if it becomes inaudible, or to keep ticking the sound even if it's inaudible.

// Keep on talking even if I'm not around
gSpeech.setInaudibleBehavior(true, false);


Set the default volume of the instances created from this audio source.


TedSid.setLoopPoint(), TedSid.getLoopPoint()

If looping is enabled, the loop point is, by default, the start of the stream. The loop point can be changed, and current loop point can be queried with these functions.

double t = snd.getLoopPoint();
snd.setLoopPoint(t + 1); // skip 1 second more when looping
snd.setLoopPoint(0); // loop from start

tedsid2dump tool

The tedsid2dump tool can be used to dump audio chip register writes from plus/4 and c64 tunes. The tool actually runs the program code inside a limited commodore plus/4 emulator, and records the audio chip register writes as they happen, along with timestamp so they can be played back within SoLoud.

tedsid2dump filename msecs [-s speed] [-m sid model] [-t tune number] [-i]

-s 1-5, song speed. 3 = single, 5 = double. Default 3
-m model 0:6581 1:8580 2:8580DB 3:6581R1. Default 1
-t the number of sub-tune to play. Default 1
-i Show information and quit
-q Quantize timestamps by 1000 ticks

tedsid2dump foobar.sid 60000 -s 5 -m 0 -t 1

Songs may require different replay speeds. If your song sounds wrong, you may want to try a different song speed.

If the tempo is right but some instrument sounds wrong, it's possible you're playing with a wrong SID revision. 6581 and 8580 are the most common.

It is also possible to quantize the timestamps. This may affect the way the song sounds, as the register writes won't be even close to cycle-accurate anymore, but it will also dramatically shrink the dump file sizes.

Dump file format

Offset Size Information
0 5 'D' 'u' 'm' 'p' and 0 bytes signature.
5 1 SID model
6 2 2 reserved bytes (set to 0)


Pattern Information
1 aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa Timestamp. Highest bit always on, rest (a) is timestamp delta.
0 bbbbbbb cccccccc Reg write. Highest bit always off, b is register, c is value.

Since the data is stored in x86 big-endian format, the bytes are actually swapped.

To decode, read two bytes; if the highest bit of the second byte is on, this is a timestamp, otherwise it's a register write. The timestamp delta value says how many clocks to wait until the write should be executed.

Inherited 3d audio interfaces

Like all other audio sources, monotone inherits the 3d audio interfaces. Please refer to the 3d audio chapter for details on:

Copyright©2013-2020 Jari Komppa